Day 1 - Less is More
The importance of prioritizing faith and living with less in order to experience more of what matters to God.
Society's consumerism and desir e for mor e can distract us from servin g God .We cannot hav e both the world's ple a sure sand God's blessin .g sLivin g with less allows us to mak e room for God in our liv .e sOvercrowded sc h edule slead to physical and spiritual ex .h au stionClutter in our liv e shinders us from fully livin g for God .We must intentionally choos e to liv e purpos e fullywith less .Less is mor e w h enit comes to experiencin g spiritual blessin g sand pr ay ertim .e Pr ay eris essent i alin seekin g God's guidanc e and wisdom in usin g our tim e wis .e ly
Lord ,pleas e let a mi gh tyrevival of primitiv godlinesse sweep Yo u rchurch in the final days .May we stand for truth thou gh the he a vensfall .Let this revival start with me .Lord ,show us how to be consistent in daily worship ,indi vidually and as a fam .i lyLord ,open our ey e sto the distractions in our liv .e sThe thin g sthat keep us from b e ing abl e to focus entir e lyon Y .o uGiv e us undivided h e artsof worship .Lord ,help us to allow Y o uto wak e us up each mornin ,g no matter how e ,a rlyso that we can hav e sweet , unrushedtim e in Yo u rWord and pr .ay erWe pray that Y o uw o ul dhelp us to com e to Y o uas we ar ,e with all our feelin ,g sour imperfections ,our sins ,and our needs ,and allow Y o uto lov e us ,chang e us ,and remak e us into the person Y o ulon g for us to be .
Day 2 - The Danger of Be ing Busy for God
The danger of being busy for God and the importance of rest and unhurried time with Him.
Busyness is hi gh lyvalu e din modern society ,but it can ca u se us to forget to truly liv e and enjoy lif .e Many committed followers of C h risthav e adopted a mindset of busyness in the i rwork for God ,losin g the i rconnection with Him .God calls us to stand still and un-hurry ,as busyness crushes our spiritual vitality and effectiv .e nessJesus set an exampl e by takin g the liberty to rest durin g His ministry .We sh o ul dintentionally reduc e our busyness and mak e room for meanin ,g fulsoul-invigoratin g quiet tim e with God .The apos t le sreturn e dto Jesus and He enco u rage dthem to com e away to a desolat e plac e and rest .We need to step away from the busyness of lif e and spend tim e reflectin g and restin ,g focusin g on w h attruly matters .Jesus understood the need for rest and exemplifi e dthe balanc e dlif e we sh o ul dliv .e
Lord ,teach us how to plead for a daily baptism of the Holy Spirit .We pray for the latter rain of the Holy Spirit to empower our witness and enabl e us to engag e in the work Y o uhav e given us to do befor e Yo u rreturn .Show us how to lov e our famili sacrificiallye sand how to mak e dis c iple sfor the Kin ,g domstartin g with our own children and lov e don .e sWe pray for wisdom to se ,a rchunderstand ,and follow God's Word .Teach us to ri gh tlydivid e the words of truth and faithfully shar e them with others .We pray for religio u sliberty and freedom of cons ci ence thr o ugh outthe world .Lord ,pleas e open d o orsfor the proclamation of Yo u rWord in clos e dterritori .e s
Day 3 - The Blessing of Waiting
The importance of stillness and waiting in our fast-paced modern life and how it relates to our spiritual walk with God.
In our busy liv ,e sstillness and quiet ar e critical for spiritual growth .We hav e becom e impat i entand accustom e dto instant gratification .Slowin g down and waitin g pat i entlyis a biblical virtu e that needs to be reviv .e dWaitin g helps us connect with God and reminds us of His tender car .e Waitin g is a part of human existenc e and has benefits such as enduranc ,e pat ,i ence and lon .g ing Waitin g is an opportunity for personal transformation and becomin g the person God wants us to be .Waitin g is an expression of God's goodness and grac ,e helpin g us becom e mor e lik e Him .
Lord ,may Yo u rworld church accept the call to wid e lyproclaim the Three Angels' messages to ev e rynation and ton .gue Show us how to center all thes e teachin g son the lov e and ri gh teou snessof C .h ristLord ,help us model to our y o uthand yo u ng pe o ple w h atlivin g the Three Angels' messages looks lik .e Lord ,may Adventists worldwid e declar “e I Will Go ”and tak e up the call to serv e Y o uand proclaim the good n e wsof salvation .We pray for medical professionals ,s ,c ientistsgovernment leaders ,and public he a lthoffic i alsto hav e wisdom for the many decisions they mak .e We pray that Adventists around the world will offer practical aid and enco u rage mentto thos e w hoar e sufferin .g Giv e us co ,u rage creativity ,and an unselfishspirit w h enour nei gh borsneed us most .
Day 4 - The freedom of a Focuse d Life of Simplicity
The importance of fasting and simplicity in living a focused life of faith.
Fastin g is a way to creat e spac e for God and declutter our minds and liv .e sBiblical fastin g is not about dietin ,g but about abstainin g from food and distractions to pray and commun e with God .Fastin g is mention e din connection with pr ay erthr o ugh outthe Bibl .e Fastin g expresses our desir e to increas e our dependenc e on God and prioritiz e spiritual thin .g sLivin g a lif e of simplicity involv e sb e ing mindful of w h atwe consum e thr o ugh our ey e sand ears .We sh o ul dabstain from toxic influences and deliberat e lyinclud e he a lthyhabits .A content h e artcom e sfrom trustin g God and focusin g on Him rather than others .Pr ay eris essent i alin seekin g God's stren ,g thforgiv ,e nessand guidanc e in livin g a focus e dlif .e
We pray for thos e financ i allyaffected by job losses du e to the changin g economy .Lord ,pleas e show church members how to help thos e strugglin g with mental he a lthissu e sor isolation .We pray for pastors and churches to find ways of keepin g church members activ e lyprayin g together .Lord ,pleas e dra w Yo u rchurch together in worship and servic .e We pray for a spiritual revival amon g Seventh-day Adventist yo u ng pe o ple attendin g colleges and universiti e sworldwid .e May they becom e vibrant ambassadors for C .h ristWe pray for the 69percent of the e a rth'spopulation w hohav e not rec e ive dan uncloudedpresentation of Jesus .
Day 5 - Focusing on thing s that matter in our pray ers
The importance of focusing on God and things that matter in our prayers.
Pr ay ersh o ul dfocus on God and His will ,rather than just our own needs and desir .e sThe k e yto a n e wpr ay erexperienc e is recognizin g God as our faithful fr i endand seekin g His compan .i onshipPr ay erthat is pleasin g to God starts with a desir e to be with Him ,not just makin g requests .God-center e dpr ay ertransforms our perspectiv e and allows us to see ourselv e sdiff .e rentlyThe tru e purpos e of pr ay eris deepenin g our relationship with God ,not just gettin g our wishes fulfill .e dPrayin g from God's perspectiv e and ackno w ledging His c h aracterenriches our pr .ay ersPr ay ersh o ul dbe center e don God ,w hois the Master of all our needs ,and not just focus e don our problems .
We pray for the 62mill i onpe o ple in the 28least-reach e dciti e sof the former Soviet Un (i onE uro-Asi aDivision ).We pray for God to rais e up brav e missionari e swillin g to work amon g the 746pe o ple gr o upsin the 20co u ntrie sof the Middl e East .Lord ,pleas e rais e up modern-day Waldensian-typestudents willin g to serv e Y o uin difficult places .We pray for Adventist members facin g persecution or imprisonment beca u se of the i rbeli .e fsWe pray for the 202mill i onpe o ple in the 41least-reach e dciti e sof the So u thernAs i a-PacificDivision to k nowJesus .
Day 6 - Grit , Passion , and Perseverance
Grit is essent i alin pursuin g our go a lsand organizin g our liv e sto avoid distractions .We of t endon't see results in our pr ay ersbeca u se we lack pe r sistence and beli e fin God's power .Jesus tells the story of a persistent widow to emphasiz e the importanc e of persistent pr .ay erGod's tim e table sand solutions may not ali g nwith our understandin ,g so we need to be passionat e and persistent in our pr .ay ersThe gre a testvictori e sar e gain e dthr o ugh e a rnestand agonizin g faith in the a u dience chamber with God .We sh o ul dnot grow weary of doin g good ,as we will reap in du e season if we do not giv e up .We sh o ul dpray for perseveranc e and spiritual grit in our pr ay erlif e and in the work God has call e dus to do .
We pray for the Sabbath Sc /h oolPersonal Ministri e sDepartment of each local church as they seek God's plan and reach out to the i rcommuniti e swith lovin g servic ,e Bibl e study ,and personal witnessin .g We pray for Adventist Development and Reli e fAgency (ADRA )as they meet practical needs worldwid .e We pray for the 16mill i onpe o ple in the 6least-reach e dciti e sof the South Pacific Division .We pray for the Holy Spirit to help us k nowhow to reach the 406mill i onpe o ple in the 105least-reach e dciti e sof the Northern As i a-PacificDivision .Lord ,pleas e bless as Adventist Chapl a incyMinistri mobilizese schapla i nsand int e restedmembers to minister to thos e in prison .
Day 7 - The Value of Be ing Kind
Kindness is a universal languag e that trans c endsbarriers .Acts of kindness can mak e a significant differenc e in pe o ple 'sliv .e sJesus emphasiz e dthe importanc e of lov e and kindness as a testimony of faith .Kindness reflects the c h aracterof God and brin g sjoy to His h .e artIt is important to focus on w h atmatters in lif e and be k nownfor kindness .Pr ay eris essent i alin seekin g God's guidanc e and askin g for forgiv .e nessThe document enco u rageslivin g out lov e and kindness together with truth .
Lord ,we pray for our Sabbath Sc h oolteachers .Pleas e let them k nowhow important the i rwork is for our children .Lord ,we seek yo u rguidanc e for the many Centers of Influenc ,e he a lthand fam i lyprograms ,and Pathfinder clubs worldwid .e Lord ,pleas e show us how to send mor e truth-fill e dliteratur (e printed and electronic )into our communiti .e sWe pray that pe o ple will read it and that the Holy Spirit will convict them of Bibl e truth .Lord ,we ask for Yo u rprotection over missionari e sworkin g in dangero u splaces .Pleas e rais e up literatur e evangelists ,student volunteers ,a ,u thorsmedia spec ,i alistsand financ i alsupporters to spre a dwords of hop e and lif .e
Day 8 - Practicing an attitude of Gratitude
Gratitud e is a mindset that pleases God and positiv e lyimpacts our liv .e sIt helps us focus on w h atis positiv e and stren g thensw h enexercis e dpurpos .e fullyGod invit e sHis children to be pe o ple of gratitud e and giv e thanks in ev .e rything Gratitud e allows us to appreciat e the b ea utyin natur e and in other pe .o ple By practicin g gratitud ,e we shift our attention from w h atwe don't hav e to w h atwe do hav .e Recent studi e sshow that gratitud e improv e swell-bein g and can positiv e lyaffect others .The document enco u ragesdevelopin g an attitud e of gratitud e to mak e the world a mor e ple a santplac .e
We pray for Adventist sc ,h oolsstudents ,and teachers worldwid .e May thes e sc h oolsfaithfully teach Bibl e truth and lead yo u ng pe o ple into mission ,servic ,e and a savin g relationship with C .h ristLord ,giv e us wisdom to reach secular cultur e swithout int e restin religion .Let Yo u rHoly Spirit bre a kdown the walls that surround secular h .e artsBless us as we reach out to pe o ple enslav e dby spirit worship ,idolatry ,and animisticbeli .e fsHelp us to understand the i rworldv ie wand introduc e them to a personal Saviour.Lord ,pleas e inspir e Seventh-day Adventists worldwid e to pray as never befor .e Teach us to claim Yo u rpromises and expect Y o uto mov e mounta i nsw h enwe pray .We pray for the 541pe o ple gr o upsin the 18co u ntrie sof the So u thernAfrica-Indian Oce a nDivision .Pleas e lead them to biblical truth .
Day 9 - The Blessing of the Sabbath
The Sabbath reminds us of our origin and God as our Creator .Sabbath celebration is a si g nof our iden ,t itynot bas e don economic success or productivity .Sabbath is an invitation to rest in God and enjoy His provisions .Sabbath teaches us to rest from rushin ,g performin ,g and achi .e ving Sabbath rest is fulfill e din meanin g fulcommun i onwith God .Sabbath creat e sa countercultur e aga i nstconsumerism and selfishness .Keepin g the Sabbath holy helps us focus on w h atmatters in our spiritual wa .l kSabbath is a day to worship God and reorient our liv e stowards Him .
Show us how to meet the practical and spiritual needs of refugees .May our church be k nownfor our lov e of all pe ,o ple no matter w hothey ar e or w h ere they com e from .We pray for our children .Pleas e empower them to stand boldly for Y o uw h enfacin g obstacl e sand pressur .e Help them to mak e wis e choices and stand for truth .Teach us to follow C h rist'sselfless exampl e by meetin g the daily needs of pe o ple clos e to us .Equip us to serv e as medical missionari ,e scommunity volunteers ,and fr i end sto the needy .Pleas e teach us to proclaim our fundamental church beli e fswith clarity ,creativity ,and biblical a .u thenticityMay the lov e of Jesus be at the cor e of ev e rything we beli .e ve Lord ,pleas e prepar e yo u ng pe o ple to plant churches for the 789pe o ple gr o upsin the 9co u ntrie sof the North American Division .
Day 10 - Be rich in wh at matters
Biblical spirituality is analog ,bas e don tangibl e practices between pe o ple and God .Analog acts ,such as works for God and Sabbath observanc ,e express our relationship with Him .Worship experiences in physical places with real pe o ple ar e mor e fulfillin g than virtual services .Acts of kindness ,grac ,e forgiv ,e nessand compassion ar e meanin g fulw h enexperienc e danalog .Pr ,ay erfastin ,g and other expressions of faith hav e an analog dimension in tim e and spac .e Real-lif e acts ,lik e a helpin g hand or a hand w rittenletter ,brin g blessin g sthat want to be experienc e danalog .The digital world has its accomplishments ,but faith sh o ul dbe mor e analog .-
Pr ay ersuggestions includ e givin g thanks ,confessin ,g seekin g guidanc ,e prayin g for the church ,and lis te ning to God's voic .e
We ask Y o uto prepar e volunteers to serv e the 70pe o ple gr o upsin the Israel Fi .e ldWe ask Y o uto rais e up medical missionari e sto plant churches amon g the 830pe o ple gr o upsin the 11co u ntrie sof the East-Central Africa Division .We ask Y o uto rais e up pr ay erwarriors to interced e for the 2,568pe o ple gr o upsin the 4co u ntrie sof the So u thernAs i aDivision .Pleas e let our famili e sreveal Yo u rlov e in our hom e sand communiti .e sWe ask Y o uto brin g harmony into hom ,e sheal broken relationships ,protect the vulnerabl e from abus ,e and reveal Yo sanctifyingu rpower in seemin g lyhop e lesssituations .-
We ask Y o uto rais e up nurses and doctors to plant n e wchurches amon g the 1,978pe o ple gr o upsin the 22co u ntrie sin West-Central Africa Division .